Why Twitter Chats Should Matter to You

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Anyone reading this right now should know how much I love Twitter Chats. Well… I LOVE THEM! I think it’s a bit of an obsession now. You know you’re a Twitter-Chat junkie when you actually get really really sad that its only Sunday and your fav Twitter Chat isn’t until Thursday. Twitter Chats are a great networking opportunity and you get FREE education! You connect with other individuals who have the same interests as you and you make friendships with them.

I remember my first Twitter Chat ever was about a year ago and it was #GetRealChat every Tuesday night at 9pm ET, hosted by the one and only Pam Moore. I was so excited to talk to other digital marketers and hear what they had to say.

One year later, I am the co-host and co-founder of #ChatMS which is a Twitter Chat every Monday nights from 7 to 8pm ET that goes over a variety of topics that are all related to Multiple Sclerosis. I am so happy that I’ve had the opportunity to be a part of over 100 Twitter Chats within the last year. One thing I realized is that Twitter Chats matter! 

Here are 4 reasons why Twitter Chats should matter to you!

Connecting With New People

Before my first Twitter Chat, I only had about 100 followers which were friends, family and coworkers. Now I’m approaching 3000 followers. I know you’re probably thinking, “who cares about the amount of followers you have!” That’s just a vanity metric. But the difference is that those are 3000 people who I connected with that actually bring value into the conversation. Those are 3000 engaging people who I now have a relationship with. Twitter Chats matter because the hashtag that is used connects me to thousands of people who have the same interests as me. 

Gain Insights

Social Media changes every single day. The way we use it to talk to others, connect with old friends and to market our businesses goes through constant changes. What works today may not work tomorrow but with thanks to Twitter Chats we gain new and fresh insights on how to utilize social platforms. Twitter Chats not only expose us to new connections, but we hear new ideas that are great takeaways. 

Different View Points

During the chats that I take part in, most of the time, we all agree on a specific idea or topic. However, sometimes, you get an opposing view point which is NOT a bad thing. I love seeing something new and I love hearing reasons why someone would disagree or agree. This is called learning! We all don’t think the exact same way and Twitter Chats bring out the different ideas and thoughts of participants. 

Personal Brand or Brand Awareness

Twitter Chats definitely help with exposure! As mentioned above, Twitter Chats help you make connections. The hashtag that gets used during a Twitter Chat can reach over millions of people! Now that’s a great way to get some exposure for your personal brand or a business you run. 

What about you? Do you take part in any Twitter Chats? Why and which ones are your fav!? Let’s hear it! Drop a comment below and Happy Chatting!


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