3 Ways to Organically Grow A Facebook Page

By KayChatz Uncategorized No Comments on 3 Ways to Organically Grow A Facebook Page

It’s no secret that Facebook is a pay-to-play social platform. If you don’t know by now, Facebook’s organic reach on Facebook pages have been declining, declining and declining over the years and it’s getting even more challenging to grow a Facebook Page in a short period of time – especially with NO budget. As marketers, we create ads and boost our posts to get our name out there and try to reach our social goals but over the years, in my experience I have found 3 key things that have helped me grow my Facebook pages, organically. 

Invite Friends

First things first – invite your friends that you think are within your target market. If your friends are really friends, they’ll be loyal and give you a helping hand. But it doesn’t stop there. When you share a post on a Facebook page, and even boost it, if someone shares it, and it gets likes, you can “invite” those people who haven’t already liked your page. 

All you have to do is click on the people who liked your post, a popup will appear and you’ll see either “invite” or “liked” next to that person’s name. Click on “invite” and that person will get a notification that you invited them to like their page. Note: This shows the user the invitation is coming from your personal account – not the Facebook Page.

Comment on Other Pages

Commenting features are not just for personal accounts! You can comment as a Facebook Page too! Find other pages that are similar to your industry – or pages that your target audience engages with on a regular basis. Comment on the post or on other user’s comments on behalf of your page. This will help you reach more people and if you leave a good impression, it’ll bring it more users to like your Facebook page. 

To comment as a page, click on the small profile picture just under the post and above the comments to the right. A drop down menu of all your pages will appear. Choose the page you want to comment as and voila!

Videos, Videos and more VIDEOS!

Videos are KILLER on social and they are the best performing pieces of content on the web. Although videos perform differently on every social network – on Instagram, images actually see more engagement than videos – videos perform the best on Facebook. You don’t have to be a professional and you definitely don’t need a video production team. Selling products? Grab your iPhone, make a boomerang of your products and share it on Facebook. Selling services? Record a quick intro of who you are and what you do. Blogger? Create a video of your daily activities. It’s simple!

I want you to try out these tips for a good 2 weeks and I can promise you you’ll see some change. Of course, without a budget, it’s close to impossible to bring a Facebook Page from 0 to 1 million fans over night, but these tips can give you a good head start and the best part is – you don’t need a budget!

What other tips do you have that has helped you organically grow your Facebook Page? Let me know and I’ll add it in!

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