Top 3 Social Media Marketing No-No’s

By KayChatz Uncategorized No Comments on Top 3 Social Media Marketing No-No’s


If your brand is on social media – whether it be a business or a personal brand – you have to make sure that you keep on top of things and regularly check that you are using social the right way. Did you receive a question on your last Facebook status update? Are you using poor photos on Instagram? Is your Twitter account blank? If you didn’t respond to that message you got or answered yes to the other two questions, you need to rethink your social strategy. Here I talk about the three social media no-no’s and what you can do to better your online efforts.

No Response to Comments/Messages

So you sent out a pretty valuable tweet to your followers and they respond with R/T’s, likes and even mention you to have a conversation. What do you do? As a social media manager or community manager, it’s your job to make sure all comments or messages get answered – even the negative ones. I took a look at 10 medium sized brands that are active on social media and only 3 gave responses in a very timely manner. *Cringes* If you’re not responding to those messages that you get, you are seriously not ‘doing’ social the right way. It’s social media! You need to be SOCIAL. How about those negative comments? My advice? Do NOT ignore them. Those are my favourite kind of comments because every negative comment has a chance to win over a customer and turn a negative experience into a positive one. Stop the ignorance now and talk with your audience – not just to them.

Low Quality Images/Posts

There’s nothing worse than seeing a horribly designed Instagram account that posts pixelated photos with minimal content. Look, I’m not saying you need to hire a professional photographer or a content writer. What you need to do is just snap a picture, without any blurriness, use good lighting and provide value in your descriptions. Don’t just post a photo and leave the content section blank. Whether you’re sending out a tweet or updating your Facebook status, make sure you include a good photo and content to go with it. 

Unoptimized Profiles

How many social accounts do you have? 1, 3, 5? When you’re done reading this blog post, head over to your channels and see if they are fully optimized. A fully optimized profile has every section filled out, a good profile picture and has a brief statement about who you are or what your business does. Here is your chance to let your audience know who you are, what you do, why you do what you do, where you do it and how you do it. Do you have an egg as your avatar on Twitter? Change it! This will turn off all potential followers. Are you missing a CTA in your profile? Add it there so your new followers know what to do when they get to your profile and so that they can get to know you a little better. To learn more about optimizing your social profiles, check out my last post on a killer Instagram bio.

Go have a look at your profiles and make sure you aren’t doing any of the above 3 social media marketing no-no’s. I’m sure there are SO MANY more things that marketers shouldn’t be doing on social. What comes to your mind? Leave me a comment below!

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