3 Things to Stop Doing on LinkedIn But Do On Facebook

By KayChatz Social Media, Social Platforms No Comments on 3 Things to Stop Doing on LinkedIn But Do On Facebook

Let’s face it.. we all know there is a problem happening on LinkedIn – and it shouldn’t be happening. LinkedIn defines the platform as “the world’s largest professional network with 400 million active users.” Keyword: Professional. We all know this already, but I thought I’d remind some of the users of what the platform exactly is. LinkedIn has three main purposes:

To build a user’s professional identity online and stay in touch with colleagues and classmates.

To help users discover professional opportunities, business deals and new ventures.

To inform users of latest news, inspiration and insights they need to be great at their profession.

Again, I keep picking up the word “Professional.” But many users are using the platform in similar ways one would use Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr. As a social media marketer, I find this to be a crisis. I have already removed many of my connections because I simply don’t find value in the content they share on LinkedIn. When I log in, I want to see articles, posts, and status updates regarding peoples professions – not a puppy picture with a typical quote attached. (Although puppies are always a good think to look at – I go to Facebook to see those types of posts.)

So, today I’m going to share with you 3 things that you need to stop doing on LinkedIn but start doing on Facebook. Let’s clean up our ways of how we utilize each network – after all, they all have their own purpose.

Memes Belong on Facebook – Not LinkedIn

Why? WHYYY! Why do people insist on posting memes to LinkedIn? (Serious question.) Memes are complete opposite of professional; they are jokes. These are meant to be shared on less serious platforms, like Facebook. I’m not saying that all LinkedIn posts should be super serious – but the majority of the time, yes they should be.

Friends/Family Photos Go In Albums on Facebook – Not LinkedIn

LinkedIn doesn’t have the photo-album feature like Facebook does, because LinkedIn isn’t about sharing each others weekend or girls night out. Save this for your Facebook albums. People want to see your events there. 

Food Photos Belong On.. – Well, Not LinkedIn

I wouldn’t even post these on Facebook. I’m a little biased because unless you are a chef, have a cookbook or you’re a food blogger, I don’t understand why people feel the need to show me their lunch on a daily basis. If you’re passionate about good meals, then I get it. Share these types of posts on Instagram, Snapchat or Pinterest. But these definitely should not be posted on LinkedIn.

When you’re about to share a status update or post on LinkedIn, ask yourself these questions:

Is this going to give my audience valuable insights and help them in their career?

Does this reflect my career and what I do?

Can this help someone land that dream job they always wanted?

Will a potential employer want to think this of me?

If you answer yes to any of the above questions, then go ahead and post away. If not, then save it for Facebook. Let’s start using LinkedIn professionally. 

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